Thank you for attending the 2021 State of the Region. To help us create customized Life in Indy content, we'd appreciate your input on the questions offered in this survey. Thank you for your time and input!

Have you heard of Life in Indy before tonight?
How did you hear about Life in Indy?
How long have you lived in the Indy area?
Please rate your perception of these aspects of the Indianapolis region 10 years ago.
Please rate your perception of these aspects of the Indianapolis region 10 years ago.
  1- Very Unfavorable 2 - Unfavorable 3 - Neutral 4 - Favorable 5 - Very Favorable
My neighborhood and community
Food and drink options
Arts and entertainment available
Cost of living
Things to do
Downtown Indianapolis
Job Market
Please rate your perception of these aspects of the Indianapolis region today.
Please rate your perception of these aspects of the Indianapolis region today.
  1 - Very Unfavorable 2 - Unfavorable 3 - Neutral 4 - Favorable 5 - Very Favorable
My neighborhood and community
Food and drink options
Arts and entertainment available
Cost of living
Things to do
Downtown Indianapolis
Job Market
How likely are you to recommend Indy to your friends or family?
This doesn't have to include big events or amenities. We'd love to hear the recommendations you provide to friends and family visiting the Indy region.
Do you follow the Life in Indy social media channels?
Are you interested in learning more about Life in Indy?
What is your age?
Please indicate your career level.
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